September 20, 2005

It's Tuesday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. It's been a busy week.

Last week Gabe got hit by a car! My worst nightmare. Last year I thought he got hit by a car on his bike and I freaked out. And it wasn't him. This time it was a different situation. It really was him. So I was pretty down about that. I didn't exactly know my place. I didn't know if it was okay to call, okay to write. I didn't want to step on the toes of his new girlfriend. I didn't want to upset anyone. So I just approached it lightly and Gabe was really good about it. He was really good about letting me know what was going on, and such. Oh man, I am so glad he did that. Well anywho, he had surgery on Sunday. Got a plate and nine screws. OUCH!! He seems to be doing okay. But he was always a tough guy, and never really let you know if he was hurting. Who knows. All I can do is send happy vibes.

Classes have been going well. I have slept through a couple. Been gone for a couple more. It's not how I like to start the semester, but hopefully things will get better with time. I don't know about school. AHH!! But other things about school are going well. Seeing my friends, getting back together with them. It's been fun so far.

Tomorrow I am heading to Bostont to see Citizen Cope. I'm really excited about that. He is so hot:)

I started planning Amanda's surprise birthday party. And I'm hoping she will never read my webpage:) It's going to be in a banquet hall, Loki is going to play, karaoke, music theme. Tons of cool stuff.

I was going to do a big update but I can't really think of anything right now. My mind is in a jumble. I've been pretty unclear lately.


September 15, 2005

Jason, oh Jason. How my heart tingles when you're near. Jason, oh Jason, I can't help but say I'm glad you're not a steer. Haha. My crack at writing a song for the wonderful Jason. You may be wondering why I would even consider doing such a thing. But hey if a great musician had written you a song, maybe you would try to return the favor! WHOOHOO! Let me set the scene for you. I'm sitting at a table by myself. Jason is on stage. He is about to play another song, but decides to say why he wrote it first.

Jason: Now I usually say I wrote this song for my friend from Maine. But since I'm in Maine and my friend is sitting right there, I'm going to say....I wrote this next song for my friend Ali.

Ali: blushing, all smiles

Jason: Talk about a girl with the strength and compassion that I can only hope to achieve in my lifetime. Her favorite quote is, "When life hands you lemons, squeeze the shit out of them, add some booze and you've got yourself a good time." No matter what goes wrong in her life, she seems to always turn around. I heart you Ali.

Ali: almost crying... I heart you too.

Not exact words because I was so overwhelmed they were even being said. But, you get the basics.

Wow. Sometimes my friends, and my life surprises me.

thanks jay, i heart you very very much:)

September 14, 2005

And the classes are:

CMJ 360 Nonverbal Communications
CMJ 202 Communication Theory
CMJ 100 Mass Communication
CMJ 367 Public Relations

My parents left for Germany yesterday. And despite all the bad dreams I had last night about them dying, they are safe and sound and wonderful. They are just slept so far but Germany sounds like it's going to be fun. Wish I was there, but I wasn't cool enough to go:)

Tonight I am on my way to Castine to see Jason LeVasseur play at MMA. It should be a rockin' good time. I'll let you know:)

September 07, 2005

I love birthdays.

For me, birthdays mean a new year. A renewed sense of self. A clean slate. A new beginning. And if you know me, you know I love new beginnings. Usually I make every Monday the new week to diet, quit smoking, etc.

This birthday was on a Sunday. How odd the next day was Monday:)

I'll start from the beginning.

Saturday night I had to work until around 9:30. I decided to eat dinner because I was starving. Then I headed home to change and fold Amanda's laundry before going to her house to crash. We had to get up early to fit in all my bday celebrations.

Around 10:30 I landed at Amanda's apartment. I went inside to find the lights off, candles burning. I heard a guitar in the background, Anna Nalick's voice coming through the stereo and some other people's voices singing "Happy Birthday" My own special surprise party! The house was all decorated in things that I like. Daisy's, Green, Candles, Incense. My friend Rob had bought me my favorite wine and was cooking me my favorite dinner! So we all had a wonderful dinner made by Rob and got a little tipsy on the few bottles of wine:) I opened presents. We did another extracurricular activity and then layed down to eat my whoopie pie bday cake and drumstick ice cream! All in all, an awesome time!

After all of us making a big slumber party in the living room and many will and grace shows later, we all crashed. In the morning, breakfast was cooked and the birthday song was sung once again! Have a mentioned how much I love my friends?

Sunday afternoon Amanda and I left for Portland for the biggest journey her new Mitsubishi Evolution has seen yet. We stopped in Winslow to have a bbq with my mother and father. More presents and more food. :)

We left for Portland around 5:30. Once we got there we went to the mall so I could buy Matt a present. Then we headed for the hotel so we could get drunk and slutty:) haha. Naw, I had some wine, Amanda spent 10 hours doing her hair and makeup. Plus she did mine. No I don't have any pictures. But I kinda liked it so look for it in the future.

J.T's house was next on our stop. Big party was going on. Keg, cake, chips, poker, beer pong. The works. Matt was wicked drunk! It was so much fun. It's awesome to share your birthday with someone as cool as him. Not to mention he is hot. And boy did he look good on our birthday:) haha. That's all I'll say.

Few(many) drinks later. Me and Amanda end up back at the hotel room smoking butts and watching t.v.

Next day Jeff Smith met us in Portland to take us out to breakfast. For those of you who don't know. He's my sister's "husband" Whatever, I love him, he's awesome and that's all that matters! We had a kickass breakfast at IHOP. I ate chocolate, chocolate chip pancakes. Yum.

After stuffing ourselves Amanda and I headed home because we were beat. Smoking butts, blasting music and singing at the tops of our lungs was all we wanted to do!

Monday night...chilled, fell asleep.

Tuesday morning. First morning without smoking.

Wednesday morning. Second morning without smoking

Thursday morning....7 hours away....third morning without smoking.

Birthday was great. Not smoking is great. I just bought a mountain bike. Paid off my computer. Started school with teachers I actually like! Have lasted 2 days at UMaine without killing anyone or myself.

This year..being 22, is going to kickass.

Bring it on:)

September 02, 2005

I haven't posted in awhile so I guess I will update everyone.

Can't be long though because I'm cleaning my wicked dirty new house! Oh the joys:)

I have moved into my new house, and i'm almost done unpacking.

I started at Applebee's the second week of august and I am just starting to really like it. It took a little while but people seem to be warming up to me. And I am constantly reminded of how small of a world(state) it is!!

I start school on tuesday and I guess i'm pretty excited. It's going to be a lot of work but I'm willing to give it a crazy shot this time.

My birthday is on Sunday the 4th. I will be the big 2-2. Sometimes I feel older than that, but other times I feel like i'm ten again. I am heading to Portland to party it up p-funk style. My friends are having a big party for me and a couple of my other fellow sep. 4th birthday cats. I'm pretty excited. Amanda and I head down early in the morning so I can be drunk all day long:)

I haven't really done much at all this summer which is depressing...

I never went kayaking. I never went hiking. I really didn't go camping, unless you count bonnaroo.

Oh well though right?! There is always next summer.

Next summer there is a possibility that I will be interning at Arista Records the Nashville unit. That will prove to be a great time! I'll keep everyone updated on the happenings with that.

My aunt is doing pretty much the same. I went to see her last week. She is so beautiful. I hope she is able to pull through. Her hope seems to be diminishing though.

Well i must get back to cleaning but I promise i will post more. I'll make it a daily routine.

peace to everyone.

donate to the red cross people!!!! the gulf coast needs every penny.
