March 04, 2006

I am sitting in Texadelphia...a small little place to get philly cheesesteaks here in Austin!
That's right, I'm in AUSTIN!!
My flight was pretty uneventful. Christine took me down to the airport and we got there a little early. So I took an earlier flight. Due to winds in Newark, my flight was delayed and I left around the time my original flight would have. We couldn't land because of the winds so we circled around nyc for an hour and a only takes 49 minutes to get from boston to sucked. Newark was pretty cool, it's a huge airport but it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Then I landed in Austin. And it's weird but as soon as I landed I felt great. I loved the smell, I loved the atmosphere.
Now I have been exploring a little bit and it is confirmed. I love it here!
I would love to say more but my chicken cheesesteak is getting cold and Ian is looking at me like i'm a nut.
Did I mention I love it down here.:):):)

March 01, 2006

I'm leaving for Austin in two days!!


I fly out of Boston on Friday, just to spend 5 wonderful days in Austin Texas:)

5 days of watching Ian swim at the American Short Course Championships and exploring my new hometown(as of next year)

If anyone wants to make a donation to the Ali Eats in Austin Fund let me know! I'll even send you a postcard for helping out:) haha. I'm sorta kidding.

Naw, I'm flat broke! haha

Have fun freezing your butts off while I'm roasty toasty near Mexico!!