September 09, 2004

today was...a day.

slept through my classes again. being sick sucks. i couldn't pull myself out of bed. sounds like a dumb excuse but it's true. some mornings i have to use all my energy just to lift my head. let alone get out of bed, take a shower and head to orono. hopefully this won't last long. i don't know if i can take it.

mike ditched today. tomorrow was our date. it's okay though. things are still going well. dave is going to be my sit in date for the evening and i'll probably have just as much fun, if not more.

i saw john edwards speak today. well i didn't see it, i heard it. gabe was with me and was able to see him since he is so tall but little ole short me just couldn't do it. the speech was okay. not like what i expected from such a public person. it's weird to think i could have done better. but i am also majoring in giving speeches. bring it on edwards:)

tim reynolds...what can i say about tim reynolds? i saw him in concert tonight and it was fucking amazing. he is a god. with or without dave matthews. trust me i will have sweet dreams tonight.

found out jason levasseur is playing at umaine on tuesday. i'm pretty excited to have him back on my turf again. should be a great night of music and beer. he is always good for that.

even though i slept all day i'm tired again. sleep brings the peace i find hard to acquire during the daylight.


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