August 11, 2004

I said "I love you" to him. Why? I feel like I had a very good reason to say it. But why did he make me feel like I didn't? Like I was just being annoying again? Today I was heading to see Phish in Mass. I was all ready. I even drew a fish on my back window. Then, about 30 miles or so from the concert I got into a fairly bad car accident. One that wrecked my car and sent me to the hospital. I thought I was going to die. Even though I knew I was alive, it was pretty close. My seatbelt broke so that the only thing to stop me from going into the windshield was my steering wheel. Now I have an imprint of the steering wheel in my chest. For the time being. Just a bruise the doctor said. It was very close to being at least a three car pileup. It only ended up being mine and another. Nothing happened to his car...he was on his way to see Phish. He got to go:( So between everything thats happening lately and me almost dying today, I said "I love you" to him. Does that make me a bad person? Being in difficult situations makes one put everything into perspective. It can freak you out all you want it to, but I still won't take back what I said. At that particular time, if I did die, at least you would have known the truth. I am still in love with you. I need rest.


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